Monday, December 5, 2011

Kitchen Cooktop Photos 01

Kitchen Remodeling Photos : Kitchen Cooktop Photos 01

NOT ONLY ARE MOST MEALS MADE ON A COOKTOP, but it's also a high visibility item, so it makes sense to choose one with the right balance of looks, performance, and ease of cleaning. The first decision used to be between gas or electric,but while most cooktops are still either all gas or all electric,there are now dual-fuel cooktops that combine gas burners with electric elements below ceramic glass.

Another thing to consider is control location.Apron controls are easier to clean and won't get in the way of cooking, but they're more accessible to kids (many models have lock -out features). Cooktop controls can be easier to access, but they take up valuable cooktop space. Controls on the backguard are relatively childproof, but they can get mighty dirty and can be blocked by big pots.The choice of knobs or electronic control pads depends on looks and what you're comfortable operating.

THIS SMOOTH TOP COOKTOP WITH A DOWNDRAFT VENT is so subtle that you'd hardly notice its presence,except for the gently arched cabinet above, where a light is hidden.

A CERAMIC GLASS SMOOTH TOP IS SET IN TILE in a family kitchen. A raised wall behind w ill help the downdraft vent work more efflciently and shield cooking from other activities.

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