Kitchen Remodeling Photos : Kitchen Refrigerator Photos 01
THE STANDARD REFRIGERATOR has the freezer on top, which is the least expensive and most common model. However,a bottom-freezer refrigerator is easier on your back;look for a model with a pull out drawer,as fixed shelves are tough to access.Side -by-side models are the least efficient as far as energy and space go, but are popular. Having a separate full-height freezer and fridge might be the best choice for active cooking and entertaining. Besides offering plenty of space, this admittedly expensive arrangement ensures that there's no crossbreeding of temperatures or smells.
Fridges can be built in or freestanding. Freestanding models are less expensive and bulkier-they 'll stand out from the cabinetry Built -in refrigerators-these are usually side-by-side or bottom freezer-are taller than freestanding models but not as deep, so they can be designed flush with cabinetry and filled with matching panels.
DESPITE ITS RETRO CHARM , IF YOU OPENED up this fridge you 'd see humidity-control crispers, slide-out glass shelves,and bins with gallon-Size storage-all the bells and whistles found in the most modern refrigerators.Both the Heartland refrigerator and its mate,arangewith electric solid-disk cooktop,have an enamel finish with nickel-plated trim.
A BUILT IN REFRIGERATOR CAN BE FITTED WITH ANY KIND of panel to take on any look you like.This fridge is finished in the whimsical style throughout the kitchen.
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