Kitchen Remodeling Photos : A Well-Lit Kitchen Photos 02
Natural Light
W INDOWS ENLARGE A KITCHEN by extending the view, and add a quality of light that artificial fixtures can't march. Guidelines suggest that windows equal 10 percent of the floor area, but that's abare-and dark-minimum.The trend to replace wall cabinets with windows makes for a brighter kitchen.
How a kitchen is oriented affects window size and placem ent. North light can be pleasantly diffuse for working at a counrertop. South-facing windows provide solar heating in winter months when the sun is lower in the sky.To keep out summer heat,provide a deep roof overhang or shades. Windows facing east or west are a mixed blessing. Morning sun can be a delight, but west-facing windows need shades to lessen the glare of afternoon sun. Windows on facing or intersecting walls make light that's brighter yet less glaring than a single, large window. Windows close to a wall, ceiling, or countertop bounce light off those surfaces.
WALL-TO WALL. BACKSPLASH -TO CEILING GLASS allows a full view of the woods from this kitchen. Glass panels are joined simply at the corner. It's a more fragile detail than fitting w indow frames into a standard wall, but it really brings in the outdoors.
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